Fat Ass Perks

Get Perks When You Rock Fat Ass

Yep you read that right. If you are rocking Fat Ass we have the connections to get you some deals! At Fat Ass we have partnered with businesses we trust (and love) to offer you discounts and perks.

So take a peek below and see if there are any deals that sounds juicy enough to squeeze!

All you have to do is tell them that fat ass sent you!

  • Free Courtesy Car

    Need a sevice? A tracker installed? Get a free courtesy car for a hassle free car service!

    @ Bentleigh Automotive Services

  • 15% Off CleanAZFK

    Use the code FATASS15 at checkout for 15% off your purchase. The slickest AS FK Melbourne car cleaning products & Merch.

    Shop Now 
  • More Deals Coming Soon

    At Fat Ass we are working our fat asses off to bring you guys more perks!
    Watch this space as we add more deals for the booty family <3